Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just another overdue blog update

So for those of you who don't know or are some how outside of the circle of trust among us Dillenders then here is some news for you. Long story short. I graduated in April from BYU-Idaho with a BS in Communications forcusing on Public Relations and Journalisim with clustered minors in Psychology and Spanish. I've done all this while waitng for the love of my life (Jackie, form the previous post) who is currently serving in the Dallas, Fort Worth Mission Spanish speaking. I know awesome right! Well it will only be about a year from now when she will be coming home and I will be really freaking out and really excited. So that is life for now. I currently have a temporary job working at Ermico with Kelly and my Dad. I got it because Kelly is currently out because of a broken ankel. She is having her opperation today so we are hoping that everythign turns out well for her today. i know it will besides if not she could get an awesome wheel foot. Just kidding. Bottom line I'm in a transitive phase waiting. In the mean time I'm looking for permanent work and contemplating the future. So we will see where it goes. All in all I do love bing home with friends and family. But everyday seems to tell me in one way or another that I don't belong here. This was once my place but now it is not. It and I have moved on. Whatever that means is yet to be determined. Well for now I suppose I will have to play the waiting game. Some people have told me that I am waisting my time waiting for Jackie but to them and all of life's perdicaments I have always said, "I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer"

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just Another Story of a Girl

So hey all I just wanted to take a quick minute to let you know that everything is going super well. I could honestly not find any complaints. Well for those of you who don't know I'm dating this beautiful girl named Jackie Jacobson. She and I met through mutual friends and things are just great between us. She's form Utah so that's convenient. We do get along REALLY well. We just 'click' I always thought that was cliche to say or do but hey can't argue with results. Here is a picture of us when we went out last Friday. I picked up Jackie after class we went on a Tandem bike ride picnic, then we went to multiple parties the and got some free ice cream from some random guy who yelled at us as we drove by. All in all things are great!! Although I do looked like I'm on drugs I was really happy. (I was also REALLY tired) But things are great we had fun. As you can see. Well that's life. School is hard. Work is keeping me more then busy. But I love it all. And the best part is that I've got a great girl to help me out with it all:) Please leave your comments and or questions via posting comments and I will respond when I can. Also vote it's just nice.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just Another Thing I fogot I forgot

So this not make any sense to anyone but to anyone who likes symbolic riddles here is a good one for you to think about. Let me know what you think. It's called Trenches. Trenches In my dream I awoke to find myself floating in a space to find a void with land below. On the land I could find trenches below. They twisted and wound all around for miles with a myriad of people young and old, living and dead and some in between. When I landed I found others like myself lost in this pointless void. Some joined the wandering masses. Some were quickly welcomed, others consumed, some both. I was the only one to run away from everyone. As I ran the first man I met was a strange man with silver grease in his hair that ran from his hair onto his shoulders. He smiled a big toothless smile and welcomed me to this worthless place it was a void for the weary and a place for the lining and the dead and everyone in between. He offered me power to overcome others. I turned and ran but found myself a short time later tormented by a small girl who nibbled at my feet. I hadn’t the heart to kick her off but merely played with her until she fell asleep then I ran away. I came to a part of the trench where large masses intersect. Many sat on the dark dirt floor eating small cakes while others ate each other. Once they saw me many invited me to join them in one-way or another. Although I hadn’t the heart to join, but I must say I was tempted. In any case the end seemed near the world was dark, the trenches deep, I felt relief to have escaped my temptations and sorrows. I was in the dark now. I walked a distance until I came across a beautiful woman who was lovelier then all the rest she told me many sweet and bitter things. My mind told me to run but my heart weighed me down and begged me to stay. My foolish heart stayed with her. She took it from my rattled cage that clattered shut when it was taken from me. I ran away not knowing where to go or when I would awake from my dream. But deep inside a part of me knew then that there was no where I could run nor could I run far enough because my heart was still there and there was no place I could go where I could escape myself.

Just Another thing I've found

Well all it's been a while and I'm taking this opportunity to let you all know what's up with life now. So for those of you who don't know. As the Talent board director I am Extremely busy most if not all the time with that sort of stuff. I really enjoy it. I am also taking 20 credits of classes this semester. I enjoy them some are boring of course but hey what can you do? I enjoy my new testament class along with my career prep class. They are lots of fun. For those who don't know either I am also dating again in fact I'm seeing someone her name is Jackie. She is quite the woman... What I mean by that is well..? You'd have to see our personalities just 'click' super well. Anyone who knows us well could see that we do. I was honestly surprised how well things are going and I can only see them getting better so yeah. That's my life in a nut shell for now. I hope to hear from you all soon.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just Another, well you get the picture

Well everyone I'm back!! I'm here in Rexburg getting ready to take my 21 credit hours, work 2 jobs, and continue to serve faithfully in the service of the lord as much as I can. As most if not all of you know, there will be no marriage on August 14th perhaps some day in the far future but not now. My dreams were shattered so now I get to pick up the pieces by myself. And that's ok because sometimes when you put the pieces back together you get to see things differently and I hope to do that. I want to do my best and I will do my best. This semester will be extremely hard but I know it will be worth it in the end. I thank you all for your patient listening and diligent following. Until next time when there is better news.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just Another... indeed

Well it has been awhile since I've posted anything. Life has just been busy I guess. Right now I'm off track from school and I'm making wedding plans with my dream girl, Liz. There is always lots to do and I want to do it all. In any case for those who don't know I've been awarded a full rights scholarship this next semester and I will be taking 21 credit hours (yikes!! I know). The world is quite strange that way. The job market out here is horrendous. But I like to look at the bright side and see think that in a way I've earned a free semester by just working in activities and doing my best to stay active. And that's a lot more then I normally would earn. So I'm going to make the most of it. Anyway plans thus far include our final show for the AoC (Academy of Comedy) I'm sad to say but it looks like it will be the last one. I've been the manager for three semesters now and it would hurt me greatly to see it die. People tell me that it will be my legacy but I don't want that. Anyway if anyone is going to be in town on the 20th that's when we'll have it. Other then that it looks like I'll be passing my Easter weekend in Seattle. Liz's parents would like me to fly up and pick up their Mazda that they have had for a few years. They decided to give it to us as a wedding present. Which will be great. I'll spend the weekend with the family then drive the car back to Rexburg before school starts. All in good fun. But that's the life so far. Today is Liz's birthday of course it's hard but you just have to take what you can get. In any case that's life for now. Talk to you later. By the way before I forget look for my blog that will be a story oriented blog based on reactions from the readers. If you don't get it then just visit the blog link and see for your self.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Just Another "This is how we met story" (Rob's Version)

Well it all started my first day back here in BYU-Idaho. I called my friends Jamie and Rachel to see if they needed any help with moving in or sorting out anything in their apartment. They said I could stop by and help so I did. I stopped by to help clean and organize things. I met their new roommate Lizzy who was the sister of a friend of Jamie's. I said "Hello" and shook her hand tried to make small talk but she never looked me in the eye or gave any response to anything I was asking. She was busy organizing the kitchen and she seemed kinda bossy ordering everyone around. I helped out with what I was "allowed" to help out with. So I left that day with my mind occupied on other things. Months passed and I would often stop by to visit Rachel and Jamie and of course Lizzy/Liz was always there. And I would say hi and make small talk and what not. As time passed I recall working on a project in the Library one day with a friend of mine. (Liz worked at the Library at the time) and as we were walking past the help desk. I heard "HI ROB!!" I turned to see Liz waving enthusiastically at me I waved back and said "Hi" but kept on walking. My friend turned to me with a big suprised look on her face and said, "Wow that was quite the flirtatious hello." "Really?" I said. "Yeah no doubt about it." I didn't really think anything about it and then just went to class. I came home that same day and found an elaborate note on my bed. It was from Liz asking me to a formal dance the next weekend. I was very suprised and anyone who knows me knows that I love to dance even though I don't dance very well. In any case I was sad to say I could not go because I had already made plans to go to my mission reunion that same weekend. I was sad but I wanted to make it up to her. I thought I would do something else with her. So I invited her to play frisbee later that saturday. On Sunday we went to a fireside together then to staidium singing. Monday we went for a REALLY long walk and had a really good talk. Tuesday we went to devotional together. Wensday I had a show in the Hinkley she was unable to come because she had fainted earlier that day (Because she was thinking of me *giggle*) Just kidding she gets dizzy from her medication which causes her to faint sometimes. In any case I went to see her afterwards and see how she was doing. She had made me some cookies and we set a date to go on a date the next night. I picked her up and we headed out to the theater and met my roommate and his girlfriend there. We went to go see a movie then went out to eat afterwards at Wingers (It's like Red Robin) and we walked back home. We came to an intersection and I asked,"So where is this going?" Liz stopped for a second and looked down at the street . I jokingly said, "Not the street, us. Where are we going?" She laughed and said, "Well I like you and I'd like it to go somewhere." "So would I." I said with a smile. Shortly after that I held her hand and I've never let go since. That's the story in a nut shell. We have lots of funny stories to go along with this that we still laugh about. Although I may be missing some "important" details I believe that Liz will agree for the most part. But if she has anything else to add then she certinely can. Or if there are any questions feel free to ask her or myself. That's it for now and the rest will be history.